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You will be familiar with the new development in Electronics .you can experience the importance of electronics from this point of view that different device around you are based on electronics.
AS.... Television, Radio,Laptop, Mobile phone, Telephone , VCR, CD player, Tap Recorder and all devices based on Electronics has Revolution our lives.
Electronic gadgets

WHAT IS ELECTRONICS:                                                                                                                                         "Electronics is that field of science and Engineering in which we study the device based on flow of  Electrons and their applications. Electronic device are those in which current flows due to motion of electrons in semi-conductors."

Literally means electronics πŸ‘‡


Applications of electronics in different field :

Electronics has significant contribution in different areas......

first of all: Communication,

            2nd:   Internet,

            3rd:   Defence,

             4th:   Medical,

             5th :  Industry,

             6th:   Instrumentation,

             7th :  Entertainment & Other fields.


Electronic is a special contribution in the field of communication. Information can be easily transported from one place to another by telephone ,telegraphy ,fax , Mobile phone.
Radio,TV can be found by sitting the news house around the world.
Communication system is being made better with the help oh OPTICAL FIBER.
Communication devices(telephone, telegraphy,fax,Tv,satellite,mobile phone etc..)


Today the internet world has become so big that it is no easy to guess.the internet has wrapped the whole world into a trap and made it small.the internet has added everyone to every corner of the world.
Through internet ,you can chat with your relatives,friends living in any of the countries of the world ,can message can buy any product through internet from any corner of the can also transact from the bank,not only can online education be achieved.
connected people through internet

social media sites connect through internet


Electronic device is an important contribution to the security of the country.various research related to our country security is done by DRDO (defense research and development and organisation).
Radio detection and ranging (RADAR) is device by which information about the enemy's aeroplanes can be obtained.
during the war , using Electronic equipment to find the enemies location .
Overview of RADAR system

RADAR system


Electronics equipment is used in the field of medical science to detect and treat various diseases.
electronic equipment for medical- ECG(electro-cardiogram),X-rays  ,EEG(electro-enfafogram), Endoscopes,Lasers etc...

* Monitoring of heart patient by ECG
*Monitoring of bones by X-rays
*Monitoring of  working of human's mind by EEG
*3D image of any part of body (CT scan) by X-rays
*Image of any part of body by Endoscopes
*Operation (laser surgery) by LASERs
ECG machine

EEG machine

CT scan machine

Electronics provide many resources for the development of industries.Inspection of all machine,tools,machine and Robot can be controlled by the computer.
computer aided design, production planning ,inventory control,marketing ,sales,management of factory can be done with the help of computer.
different work as welding,spray painting,material handling is doing by use of robot.
Car production by robot 

Robot for many work

   Different physical quantities as..temperature,pressure,flow,humidity etc.. are measured by use of Electronic devices.
Instrumentation related electronic devices....CRO(cathode ray oscilloscope),signal generator ,pH meter, frequency counter,wave analyser ,Q-meter,transducer, analog to digital converter,digital to analog converter and other computer controlled test systems.
PH meter




There  has been a lot of development in the field of Entertainment by Electronics.
Radio,TV,Tape Recorder, VCR, DVD player ,Video games and other etc which is an easy way to relieves  stress in a very busy life.all of these have been made possible by Electronics.
we can get all kinds of information as per our interest by sitting on the computer with the help of internet.
there are thousands  of information available on the internet about games,films,science,technologies,job related.
So you can open any websites according to your wishes and get the information you want.
those interested in computer games no longer need any partner for playing game.if you are fond of playing chess,then the computer can play chess with you.
there are many games that can be played with computer.
Electronic toys are available for children,not only do they entertainment but also increase knowledge.

Remote control car

Video game

Other Most Important use of Electronics:  

we can also get Information  of  weather  with the help of Satellite. space ,new  planet and mineral oil hidden in the surface of the earth can be discovered with the help of satellite.
Remote sensing are used to estimate crop yield,flood control and damage Estimates and the height of the sea surface.
satellite is also used for Navigation.


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